The life of "Riggs"

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Everything I've learned I learned from...Misty??

I was just outside enjoying my newly aquired XM Myfi. For those of you that are new or have no idea what I just said, XM=Sat. Radio, Myfi=Portable Sat. Radio Receiver. As you all are very observant, it's NICE OUTSIDE so I figured I'd put off my studying, sit outside and listen to some tunes. Than it hit remember in elementary school or highschool in the rooms the teachers always had that poster up that went something like, "Everything I've learned I learned in Kindergarden..."? Well everything I need to learn I can learn from my pup Misty :-).

Naps are no longer a "waste" of time/day, heck nap all day and relax!

Never think that today is just another day. Be curious and excited about the little things.

Use your nose! Enjoy your sniffer! There are many great smells out and about (few bad as well :-P).

Don't be shy! Be very outgoing and friendly. When you get hurt, hurt for a minute than TOTALLY forget about it and go lick errr...say hi to the next person!

Don't take life too seriously. Enjoy it! Perhaps another nap?

Be excited about going for a walk. It's incredibly nice out there!

Last but not's 11:30 and you have an 8:05am class. While you should be's the PERFECT time to play!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I haven't updated in a while...sorry about that. I guess I haven't had much to really talk about. Last friday Trent, Cendrique, and I (hows that for proper English! haha) went to Chase and signed up. I guess they are going to call us sometime this week or soon when they find an apartment and we'll sign the lease and everything's all gravy. "Dam* Riggs about time!" yeah yeah I know I can all stop saying that now! haha...Part of the reason I was going to go to school down in Florida was to be on my own. Since everything there fell apart now seems like a good as time as any. Besides...if I fall on my face i'm 10 mins from home. I'm not leaving home because of anything bad or whatever, I just wanna be out of the house...and like I said...any problems come up, I still have home to come to!

A friend e-mailed me and asked me a crap ton of hard questions. Sorry haven't had time to e-mail you back. But here was one that stood out to me. In essence he asked if I was serving God with my life, giving answer to that is actually pretty simple. Yes, and no. Yes because I still believe in him and am trying to live right. No because I basically hit the breaks, stopped everything and am piecing it all back together. Going to a Christian school has it's pro's and cons. I was forced to write papers, essays etc, do tests, debates, memorize scripture and all the above. Problem with that was, you just regurgitate(sp?) everything they want you to and you pass the class. For one, who's to say the author or the teacher were nec. right? I also got burned out doing journals every day, reading the bible then writing stuff about my life and getting a grade for it. So basically I'm trying to piece all of what seems to make sense back together, while going to school full time and working. Another thing, I hate living in fear of what everyone else thinks or sees in me or about me. I asked my mom one time if she ever felt like she was on a stage and people were examining her and scrutinizing what she said and did and when something she did didn't add up as they saw it, they jumped all over her. She said no. That, to me, was really odd. All my life I've always had to live up to this code. The teachers couldn't see me make any mistakes, no pastor could think of me as anything but the good guy I am, or wanted to be. Parents always trust me which brings responsibility. No room to fall down and get back up again! The major reason I'm so shy is because people generally know me to be that way. The more opinions I have and come forth with the more people disagree and label me. Why give someone the chance to hurt me? Just keep my mouth shut, if someone is genuinely ineterested in meeting me they will come hurts, it sucks but seems to work.

I'm starting to see just how crazy this world can be. This month most of my friends are being and doing some REALLY crazy stuff. Getting knocked up, rushing to get married. You don't talk to someone for a little while and all of a sudden they are pregnant and married will give you a little shell shock. One friend in jail for Indecent liberties with a minor, another out on bail for same thing and might serve up to 5 years in jail. Another friend just found out his g/f was pregnant. ALL THIS FRIGGIN' month!!! Kinda just puts you on guard when all your friends are getting picked off around you. Trent and I were talking about this the other day. It's like we are in a war, a bomb goes off by us and everyone we are with were blown up but a blink of an eye it's all different. You think tomorrow will be no different than make plans for all our busy "stuff" and before you know it, it could all go away. God says in James not to worry because we don't even know what tomorrow brings. Pretty deep line that you don't think about until you really realize how true that statement is.

"You want to be really great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling.That's true greatness to me. - Elizabethtown

Better get some sleep....

Take it easy...


Friday, February 17, 2006

Since I FINALLY have a little free time, I may try and re-vamp my blog. New background, layout...who knows...I do know some html now thanks to my MIS class! This week has been incredibly INSANE!!! I've never studied like this my entire life. Plus, while saying that, I didn't have time to study really for my calc test that I TOTALLY bombed beyond belief last night. I'm hoping for a few points atleast....

It is so cold outside...:-(....My face was burning walking to class. Half the people you couldn't see due to them having almost their whole face covered...wish I had that luxury lol.

What to do tonight....I could so go for another Blue Moon at O'malley's....

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

So I think this is def. the worst week I've had in a LONG while. Three tests, quiz, and a project all due this week. *sigh* no fun...

I got to thinking about a post a friend of mine made. She quoted someone saying something to the effect that the way your day goes is only as good as what you put into it. Basically I took that to mean that, you can have a good/bad/exciting/amazing/horrible etc. day based only on what you put into that day. But do you ever consider the variables that play into it? Of course it's your choice on the attitude you have. But really, working is that fun or how in the world can you make that fun? Juggle canned peas??? Taking a test today...WOOHOOO maybe I can tap the person in front of me to piss them off and try not to get caught...dun dun you can' do you turn everyday blah, into excitement? You look at the Olympic contestants and notice that they love what they do. Doing 360's and going airborne for what seems like forever! People that go exploring in the mountains, or people that find new species of whatever or plants or I don't know. It always seems like everyone else has a better life, more fun, more chances than yourself. I don't know how to put more into a day that seems to have been spent before it even started! Tomorrow for instance, have class at 8:30, 10:30, 2:30. I'm going to spend a great deal of time before, and after those classes in the Library trying to get my web page project done. Than after that I might go to XA since I haven't gone in forever and everyone keeps saying that the last one was SO AMAZING!!!!! Than I'll skip out on hanging out with anyone because yet again I have a test to study for...than I'll put my dog in bed with me....go to sleep...wake up at 7:15am on thurs. and start all over again. What can you add when it's all played out for you? I could skip tomorrow and miss nothing....There's something wrong with this picture.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Last night was a blast! Def. had fun going out to aggieville with a bunch of people I haven't seen in forever! Blue Moon is most def. better than Bud Light. Thanks Loph!

Katy....DANGIT JOHN!!! haha...

Step outside of your comfort zone
Maybe she’ll stay a little while
All you gotta do is shed a little smile
Sometimes a little goes a mile....
I can’t I won’t I’m not good enough
What good is a smile?
All she’s thinkin’ is a smile would go a mile...

Walking in the masses
Hoping to make it to the classes
homework swallows her up
good grades is how she was brought up
there’s only one way to go and that’s up
creepin’ through the lonliness
tryin’ to live in holiness
all she’s looking for is a smile
that smile that’d go a mile

Step outside of your comfort zone
maybe she’ll stay a little while
All you gotta do is shed a little smile
Sometimes a little goes a mile...


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Finally got Mozilla Thunderbird up and running! Totally makes me happy! Well, last night was pretty fun. Just sat around with Jason and Brandy drinking beer and watching Band Camp, hilarious movie. Anyways...I was bored at work and found this writting that I liked.

Who can tell what a day may bring forth? Cause me therefore, gracious God to live every day as if it were to be my last, for I know not but that it may be. Cause me to live now as I shall wish I had done when I come to die. O grant that I may not die with any guilt on my conscience, or any known sin unrepentent of, but that I may be found in Christ, who is my only savior and redeemer. -Thomas Kempis


Thursday, February 02, 2006

So I really have nothing much to post about. I took a quiz in Statistics yesterday that made me happy due to the fact it was extremely easy! Just got done with a test in Management Information Systems that wasn't too bad either. Although something bothers me. We were supposed to put our student ID number on the scantron. Well my ID card doesn't have a student number. So now I have to go to the card Id office place and get that looked at. Argh...

I'm learning HTML in my MIS class so I decided to try to try it out on here and see how it looks.


  • Somewhat happy.

  • Wondering how work will go today since it's a long day.

  • Wondering how Melissa is since she needed a friend yesterday.

  • Excited about moving out with Trent this summer!

  • FRUSTRATED! I've been trying to get Mozilla Thunderbird to work for 2 freaking days! I can send email out of it but I can't retrieve any new mail.