The life of "Riggs"

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Not having to work until 4 I spent some time today looking around on some of my friends' myspace pages. One of them caught my eye due to the following, "Will I ever be the girl in the song on my profile? Will anyone ever feel that way towards me? Only time will tell." The song on her profile was "Everything to Me" by Brad Paisley. I can't say I'm a huge Country Music fan but that song was pretty tough to swallow. I wish I had an answer for her question. Problem is I struggle with the same feelings. My question for everyone else is does a beautiful girl with a ton to offer fall through the cracks? Of course God has it all under control, I guess I just don't understand... To my friend...keep your head up and know you are a quality girl waiting, NOT missing out on, a quality guy.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Another fun semester is over...I missed the ServSafe (yes that is how it is spelled) final by one freaking percent. Passing is 75% and of course I'm the one that gets 74%. So I got to pay 46 bucks to have them send me another answer sheet so I can re-take it...Why is it always an up hill battle...Everyone else I know doesn't have amazing grades but stays in, I mess up once and I might possibly be screwed.....:-(

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


"have an open mind" "don't judge other people" you hear it everyday. I heard someone say one time that studies are showing judgments being "earned" within 20 seconds of meeting. To me thats borderline ABSURD! But think about it, how you carry yourself, walk, posture, talk all describes who you are, how you feel, what kind of person you are etc. So when you meet someone they are "in tune" to the "vibes" (the things listed above) that you are giving out. I learned in class that females are more in tune to those things than males are. Greeeaaaatttt....:-)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Thanks to those that commented on my last post! Much appreciated. I know that comparing my life to some super rich people on MTV is absurd. I'm not sure what I was trying to portray came out. Out of the things I do in life, how do I add as much fun and WORTH into the everyday normal "blah" of my life. I've lately been asked "so what's new?" or "what have you been up to?" Those are normal questions you ask someone you haven't seen in a while but my answer is always the same! School/work. I know that is normal for a college kid but I want more than that unattainable for a college guy?

Went to the KSU game tonight! They started off a little rusty but finished very strong! Jason Bennet actually played with emotion and didn't look lost!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Is it possible to have great days most days. To live to the fullest everyday and be satisfied when you fall asleep. MTV is a horrible thing to base life off of but lately I've been watching Rob and Big. Granted they are rich beyond belief....they have FUN! It drives me nuts to even be sitting here writing a blog on a Saturday night. I feel like all I do is school, sit at home watch tv, play games, surf the web, work on the weekend, go out the bars every once in a great while I missing something? Did I miss the life memo somewhere? I hate hearing, "so what have you been up to?" IT'S ALWAYS THE SAME FREAKING ANSWER! School/work. Same crap new day. Someday I'm going to graduate, work and not have free Saturdays and realize I wasted my life and I still have no idea how to turn it around!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Couple Movie Reviews

John Tucker Must Die: This movie certainly had it's ups and downs. Acting was a little weak in certain areas. Language wasn't much an issue as sexuality was portrayed in a light hearted "everyone's doing it" sort of way. In one scene Kate gets made fun of for still being a virgin in highschool. In reality that should be something to be praised not made fun of. But such is Hollywood. Overall funny movie!

Monster House: One of my roommates wanted to watch this movie. I was aprehensive at first noticing it to be what looked like a kids movie. The film actually turned out to be an amazing movie! Simple plot line, no confusion and lots of action! Would def. watch again!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Scooter girl...

So much has been written about this mysterious girl on campus. For those of you who don't know who I'm talking about, there's a girl on campus that rides on a razor scooter. Couple things stand about this particular person: no backpack ever, never seen her before until this semester, has groups about her on facebook, and lastly...SHE RIDES ON A RAZOR SCOOTER!!! There's something to be said about not caring what others think about you.

I'm happy about the democrats taking the house and possibly the senate. New blood might just be what we need, granted I don't agree with a few of their positions but you never know the good they might actually do us!